Inductive Reasoning

During the scientific process , deductive reasoning is used to reach a true logical conclusion just like inductive reasoning . People often confuse deductive reasoning with inductive reasoning, and vice versa. It is important to learn the meaning of each type of reasoning in order to identify the proper logic. Inductive reasoning is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning makes extensive generalizations from specific observations . Basically, there is a … Read more


The anosognosia is not in itself a disease but rather a symptom manifested by the inability of the patient to become aware of motor or cognitive faculties lost . This is how a person with anosognosia lives as if they did not suffer from the pathology they suffer from and does not take into account the danger that their disease can … Read more


Some people have a strong aversion and anxiety when they see certain types of patterns or geometric shapes such as bubbles in a coffee cup, holes in a sponge, or holes in cheese. It is a different phobia from other types of specific phobias such as the one that feels towards snakes or heights. It is known as trypophobia , a … Read more

Evolutionary Psychology

The evolutionary psychology can address dynamically and creatively existence and life in general. This discipline develops the idea that the person is not a finite and limited being but that he is in constant evolution . This is how evolutionary psychology draws the attention of those who are in the search to improve as human beings in terms of their … Read more


Everybody goes through periods of happiness, sadness, excitement and being confronted with certain difficulties at times. However, in cases of bipolar disorders, these emotional changes are disproportionate and reach such an intensity that the person does not realize that they are exceeding the limits. It is a situation that leads to problems in the family, work and … Read more


The term misanthropy comes from the Greek misanthrôpia , which means hatred of humans . This feeling is the last degree of aversion that an individual can feel towards the human race, it is the declaration of war of one only against all. Misanthropy is born from the ingratitude of humans, from the great undeserved misfortunes , from the inflexibility of a character incapable … Read more


When a person or a group of people considers that in an ideal society, power only belongs to women and believes that men are despicable and inferior to them, the word feminism is sometimes thought of; but in reality, the correct term should be “misandry” , which designates an aversion to the male sex . Feminism generally starts from the desire … Read more

Johari Window

In 1955, the American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham presented a method that allows individuals to better visualize and understand themselves as well as their relationships with others . It is the Johari window that today constitutes a powerful tool widely used in the field of cognitive psychology and in other contexts such as the world of work or education, as a marketing strategy … Read more

Endogenous Depression

The endogenous depression is a type of depressive disorder greater than previously used to be seen as a distinct disorder, and very rarely diagnosed. Instead, today it is diagnosed and is also known as clinical depression , a disorder of the state mood of characterized by persistent and intense feelings of sadness for long periods of time. These feelings have a negative impact on the mood and the way an individual behaves , as well … Read more

What is oligophrenia?

At present, psychology as a science is based on the studies of human behavior for centuries, today, new diseases and disabilities have emerged that alter the physiology of each of the people; Thanks to this discipline is that they have been through observation and specific techniques of this science a disease called describing oligofrenia, which is characterized by the annulment of the development of intelligence … Read more