Eadweard Muybridge

Between 1870 and 1914, photography made important attempts in the search for mobility. Explore reducing exposure time to get closer to the snapshot and quickly capture the details of a moving entity. The first positive results in this regard were provided by the English photographer Eadweard Muybridge, with his grouping of plates and prompt obturation. Personal information When … Read more

History of cinema

Cinematography or cinema is a type of illusion of movement that occurs through the registration and rapid projection of several photographic images that have been fixed on a screen . Thanks to the efforts of many people, the film business has evolved a lot over time and has become one of the main entertainment and mass communication media worldwide. What is the history of cinema? The history of cinema is a remembrance of all inventions , … Read more

Television history

The television is a type of system through which the images can be transmitted to equal the sound through a type of wave called Hercynian, or through networks specialized in the case of cable television. Invented at the beginning of the 20th century as a way of providing education and communication , it became in the middle of the century one of the most important means of disseminating information and bringing entertainment to millions of homes … Read more


The audiometry is a test performed to evaluate the ability of the ear to receive and perceive sounds in the environment. For this, it is important to know and remember that there are different types of sounds that are classified in intensity (depending on the volume of the sound and the strength it presents) and tone (the speed at which the … Read more


Aneuploidy is a condition in which there is a mutation in the number of chromosomes. The chromosomes are those having structures body formed by DNA and proteins. These are essential for a good development since they contain all the genetic information of a person. Medical genetics ICD-10: Q90-Q99 ICD-9: 758 MeSH: D000782 What is Aneuploidy? It is a chromosomal alteration in the number of chromosomes caused … Read more


When an organism is infected by a virus, an immune response occurs that affects the host and attacks its health. The virology is responsible for studying how it is transmitted, develops and multiplies this infectious process . Similarly, virology encompasses the study of antiviral vaccines, diagnostic techniques, and viral clinical signs that reveal the presence of a virus in an organism. How … Read more


The holoprosencephaly (HPE) corresponds to a severecongenital malformation and complex brain associated obvious facial abnormalities and individuals as hypotelorism, cyclopia, ethmocephaly, cleft lip, etc. Definition of holoprosencephaly It is a birth defect of the brain that is also related to malformations of the face and skull. This malformation that occurs during the first weeks of gestation of the fetus , is characterized … Read more


The cytogenetic is studying the chromosomes of the human body and the diseases which are related to such body units which can be caused by a number or structure abnormal chromosomes. These studies are carried out by means of microscopy techniques . It is important to remember that chromosomes are structures that are located in the nucleus of the cell and that they are made up of DNA , histones, RNA, proteins, … Read more

Coronary arteries

The heart muscle , like any other organ or tissue found in the body, needs oxygen- rich blood in order to survive. Blood is supplied to the heart by its own vascular system , called the coronary circulation.  The aorta , our body’s main supplier of blood, is divided into two main coronary blood vessels called arteries . And the coronary arteries, in turn, branch into smaller arteries, which supply oxygen-rich blood … Read more

Aorta artery

The aorta artery is the largest artery in the human body. It begins at the top of the left ventricle , which is the heart’s muscular pumping chamber. The heart pumps blood from the left ventricle into the aorta through the heartbeat to allow blood to flow in only one direction. The aorta emits a series of different branches that go to the head and neck , the arms , the major organs in the chest and abdomen , … Read more