
Venustiano Carranza


Venustiano Carranza , born on December 29, 1859, was an important leader in the Mexican civil war after the overthrow of the dictator Porfirio Díaz . He was an important Mexican businessman, military and politician. Carranza became the first president of the new Mexican republic . A person who to some extent was tainted by his association with Díaz and his alliance with new forces of economic exploitation, Carranza nevertheless opposed the radical changes that followed the revolution . His political party was known at that time as the Partido Liberal Constitucionalista .


Personal information

  • When was he born:  12/29/1859
  • Where he was born:  Cuatrociénegas de Carranza, Mexico
  • When he died:  05/21/1920
  • Where he died:  Tlaxcalantongo, Mexico

Who was Venustiano Carranza?

Carranza was an important Mexican politician who led the constitutional phase of the Mexican Revolution and managed to unite the different requests of the leaders of the revolution in the face of a dictatorship that was against the revolution.

  • Biography of Venustiano Carranza
  • Death
  • What did Venustiano Carranza do
  • Characteristics of his government
  • Ideology of Venustiano Carranza
  • Contributions
  • Venustiano Carranza quotes

Biography of Venustiano Carranza

Carranza was born on December 29, 1859 in Cuatro Cienegas , Mexico . He lived his youth in the municipality in which he was born. After finishing his basic studies he moved to live in Mexico City and when he turned 15 he entered the National Preparatory School . The son of a landowner, he actively participated in local and state politics in 1877. He devoted himself for a time to his family’s agricultural activities on different ranches of which they owned. Later in 1910, as governor of Coahuila , he joined the struggle of Francisco Maderoagainst Díaz and in 1913 he was in charge of leading the forces against Victoriano Huerta , who had assassinated Madero. The rebels under the leadership of Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata opposed their provisional government, demanding immediate social reforms . However, he secured his position as provisional president when his army, led by General Álvaro Obregón , managed to defeat Villa’s different forces in April 1915.


When Venustiano Carranza’s role as president was about to end in December 1920, he attempted to force the election of his chosen successor, Ignacio Bonillas , despite opposition from his more radical generals. Obregón led an armed rebellion in April 1920, and Carranza fled the capital . On his way to Veracruz with the government records and the treasure, the train he was traveling in was attacked. With some followers, he fled on horseback towards the mountains, however, during the night of May 20-21, he was betrayed by those who accompanied him and was murdered .

What did Venustiano Carranza do

He ruled the Mexican country from May 1, 1917 to May 21, 1920. Venustiano Carranza became actively involved in local and state politics during 1877. In 1910, as governor of Coahuila , he joined the struggle of Francisco Madero against Díaz and in 1913 led the forces against Victoriano Huerta , who had assassinated Madero. The rebels under the leadership of Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata opposed their provisional government, demanding immediate social reforms. However, he secured his position as provisional president when his army, led by General Álvaro Obregón , defeated Villa’s Celaya in April 1915. Carranza was the one who created the Plan of Guadalupe , on March 26, 1912, this plan established that after Venustiano Carranza entered Mexico City, he could obtain the command of the executive power for as long as required to call elections and be able to appoint a president. He created the Mexican Constitution where the relationship between the worker and the boss was established , a reform to the educational system and a series of agrarian reforms ; organized the armies of the northwest, the army of the north and the division of the north. He made a reorganization of the administration and the different powers of the country.

Characteristics of his government

He worried about the serious internal and external problems in the government and sought a way to give dignity to the Mexican state. During his government, the Department of Manufacturing Establishments and Military Supplies , the Directorate of Aviation and the Military School were created . He managed to have a land distribution in the Federal District, allowing the farmers of Villa Guadalupe to have a place to work. His government created tax measures that benefited the smaller towns.

Ideology of Venustiano Carranza

The most important thing for Venustiano Carranza was the obedience that the inhabitants had to have towards the constitution, in order to restore the lost order . His political philosophy can be seen expressed in the Act of Congress and in the Plan of Guadalupe. He justified the armed struggle, which he expressed in his speeches and the additions he made to the Plan of Guadalupe, determined the creation of a new military structure, the origin of the current National Army.


He belonged to the Liberal party so he was a president who approved the divorce . He established a maximum working day and minimum wage . He made the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States , established teaching as free but that it would be secular . It established that all individuals could enjoy the benefits of the constitution, it also established that no student could be deprived of receiving education and that their parents were in charge of instilling in them the religion that they considered the best.

Venustiano Carranza quotes

  • To be free , it is not enough to want it, but it is also necessary to know how to be it .
  • The democracy is the only one who can establish harmony in all social classes .
  • In order to serve the country, there is never a surplus of those who arrive, nor do they need those who leave.
  • We represent legality during the armed struggle, and currently we are the revolutionaries , not only of the Mexican Nation, but the revolutionaries of Latin America , the revolutionaries of the Universe.
  • The happiest man in the world is one who knows how to recognize the merits of others and can rejoice in the good of others as if it were his own.

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