Chavin ulture

The Chavín culture is part of the formation of the history of Peru and is considered one of the first Peruvian Andean cultures . His contributions in the construction of cities and irrigation canals, allowed him to develop agriculture and livestock. The Chavines were a theocratic people whose gods were jungle animals such as the jaguar, the anaconda and the caiman. The Chavines also built … Read more

Chimu Culture

In the Moche Valley north of Lima there was a pre-Inca town called Chimú that dates back to 900 AD . This people was skilled in the construction of buildings and cities, as well as irrigation canals for their crops. Its capital city , Chan Chan, housed more than 60,000 people, being one of the largest in Latin America. The Chimú culture was conquered by the Inca … Read more

Zapotec Culture

The Zapotec culture was a Mesoamerican aboriginal people of the pre-Columbian period whose origin dates back to 3,500 years ago , between the 15th and 14th centuries BC. The Zapotecs settled in various areas of Mexico such as the South of the Oaxaca Valley and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec . Its most important city was Monte Albán and in it, there are evidence of its buildings, playgrounds, … Read more

Paracas Culture

The word paracas comes from the Quechua word ” para-ako ” which means ” sand falling like rain “. The Paracas culture is one of the oldest complex societies known in South America . It was of great importance in the history of Peru and they were recognized for their great textile art , their impressive mummies and for cranial trepanation , with the aim of healing fractures and tumors in … Read more

Mochica Culture

The Mochica culture developed along the northern coast of Peru around the years 200 and 900 AD. Growing and falling long before the Inca Empire, the culture did not leave any type of written records, and the first Spanish settlers were the ones who they related the cultures of Peru, among which they found the Chimú in what had previously been Moche territory. The … Read more

Aztec Culture

The Aztec culture was a Mesoamerican people that settled in central Mexico during the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. It was a civilization with a rich cultural heritage whose capital, Tenochtitlan , rivaled the largest cities in Europe in size and grandeur. They were characterized by the realization of human sacrifices , commerce and tax administration. What is the Aztec culture? The Aztec culture was a Mesoamerican group located in Mexico , as … Read more

Mayan Culture

The Mayan civilization or culture was one of the main civilizations that developed in ancient Mesoamerica . Culture very prominent for their elaborate writing systems , numerical and use the calendar as well as for its impressive art and architecture . The ancient Maya are well known for their writings, a large part of which can be read as they were deciphered after being found, as well as for their advanced mathematical , astronomical and calendrical calculations. What is the Mayan … Read more

Stone Age

The term ” Stone Age ” was awarded at the end of the nineteenth century by the Danish scholar Christian J. Thomsen , who devised a framework for the study of past human, known as the ” System of the Three Ages “. The basis of this framework is technological as it revolves around the notion of three successive periods or ages: the Stone Age , the Bronze Age and the Iron Age , each age being … Read more


Phenicia was an ancient civilization made up of independent cities that stretched along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea , spreading through what is now Syria , Lebanon, and northern Israel . The Phoenicians were a great maritime people , known for their mighty ships adorned with horse heads in honor of their god of the sea, Yamm, the brother of Mot, the god of death. The island of the city of Tire and the … Read more

Byzantine Empire

The Byzantine Empire is considered as the continuation of the Roman Empire in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. It is an empire of Christian nature that was perennially at war with the Muslims , flourishing during the reign of the Macedonian emperors . His disappearance occurred as a result of attacks by Seljuk Turks and Ottoman Turks . What is the Byzantine Empire? It can be defined as a Christian State created by different ethnic groups of great cultural , economic and political importance of … Read more