
Who is Reggie Fils-Aimé?

Reggie Fils-Aimé


Reggie Fils-Aimé is one of the best known businessmen in the United States , former president and director in charge of all Nintendo operations , in the part that corresponds to the North American division of the company. It managed to improve the image that Nintendo had before the world and before other manufacturers of consoles for video games.


Personal information

  • When was he born: 03/25/1961
  • Where he was born: New York, United States

Who is Reggie Fils-Aimé?

Reggie Fils-Aimé is an important American businessman who served as the president for the Nintendo company of America . One of the men who managed to reposition the brand among the first places in the market for video game consoles .

  • Reggie Fils-Aimé Quotes
  • Reggie Fils-Aimé Biography
  • Presidency of Nintendo America
  • Withdrawal
  • Acknowledgments to Reggie Fils-Aimé
  • Curiosities

Reggie Fils-Aimé Quotes

Some of his most important phrases have been:

  • I prefer the consumer to buy a Wii, many accessories and games than to buy any of the competing products.
  • Part of my job is to be able to find a way for you who are experts in games to have fun.
  • Prepare to let the right part of your brain overflow.
  • My name is Reggie and I am the creator of fortune.

Reggie Fils-Aimé Biography

Reggie Fils-Aimé was born on March 25 of the year 1961 in the Bronx , New York . His parents were originally from Haiti and had moved to the United States as immigrants fleeing the contradictory politics that existed in the country. His mother had a job as a sales representative at a jewelry store and his father was a machinist. He was raised on Long Island and studied at Brentwood High School. When he finished, he completed his undergraduate studies at Cornell University in 1979 obtaining his Bachelor of Science in Economics.and in Management from the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences .

He worked for Procter & Gamble for a time as head of the company’s management program and held a position as director of marketing at Pizza Hut. He was a boss at Guinness Imports Co , a renowned North American company and also at Derby Cycle, where he strove to improve sales. He joined the work team of a Chinese food company called Panda Management and in this company he managed to obtain the position of vice president . In 2001 he was given a position as vice president in the famous and renowned MTV network where he managed to change the entire focus of the program to attract a greater number of viewers.

Presidency of Nintendo America

He started working for the renowned Nintendo brand in 2003 when he went directly to the position of Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing . He was in charge of a series of very important functions, including the sale and marketing of the brand in several countries that included Canada , Latin America and of course, the United States . Over time and thanks to his great work, he was appointed president and director of all Nintendo operations in America .

During his presidency, the different consoles on the market were in a real struggle to gain popularity and customers, and taking into account that the Nintendo brand had collapsed, it was necessary to come up with new ideas to reposition itself in the market. market. After one of his main conferences, images of Reggie Fils-Aimé were spread all over the web thanks to his somewhat aggressive attitude but he managed to make all video game lovers consider the brand again.

It is for this reason that he is seen as solely responsible for renewing the brand’s relationships with the North American public, which led many to call it “ reggielution ”. He had managed to challenge the marketing for the young population and had also targeted the group of old gamers who were, in part, key to the improvement of Nintendo. On July 11, 2007 he presented the Wii Balance Board and in 2007 he gave a conference aimed at gamers.


Reggie Fils-Aimé resigned from his position as president on February 21, 2019 to retire.

Acknowledgments to Reggie Fils-Aimé

He has been recognized worldwide thanks to his extensive experience in the field of marketing and advertising. He managed to obtain the Clio Award, two Gold Effie Awards and one from the Association of Independent Commercial Producers thanks to his great advertising capacity. He was also the recipient of the Edison Silver Award , an award given by the American Institute of Marketing.

He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Video Game Hall of Fame and also received the Legend Award , an acknowledgment given by the Video Game Critics Circle located in New York City.


While he was studying in college and university he also dedicated himself to practicing basketball and soccer . Thanks to one of his teachers, Richard Aplin , he managed to overcome his fears and discovered his passion to refer to a specific audience. He worked for companies like Pizza Hut , Guinness, and Derby Cycle. He also worked on a music channel known as VH1 . He was one of the most important men within the Nintendo company because thanks to him, customers and players once again trusted the product and he did all this through his conferences.

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