
Pablo Neruda


Many important poets have existed in the field of literature, but nevertheless one of the most influential and read during the 20th century in all of America was Pablo Neruda , a writer of Chilean nationality who was considered the best poet in the Spanish language throughout his life mainly thanks to his odes and his love poems .


Personal information

  • When was he born: 07/12/1904
  • Where he was born: Parral, Chile
  • When he died: 09/23/1973
  • Where he died: Santiago, Chile

Who was Pablo Neruda?

Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet who managed to win the Nobel Prize for Literature and was and continues to be regarded as the highest representative the lyric of Latin America throughout the twentieth century thanks to his poems and writings .

  • Biography of Pablo Neruda
  • Death
  • Pablo Neruda’s personal life
  • Style
  • Physical characteristics
  • Personality
  • Acknowledgments
  • Works by Pablo Neruda
  • Phrases
  • Importance
  • Presence in popular culture
  • Curiosities about Pablo Neruda

Biography of Pablo Neruda

Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto , better known in the world as Pablo Neruda, was born in Chile , no city called Parral, on July 12, 1904 . His father was named José del Carmen Reyes Morales , a man who worked as a worker on the railroad and his mother Rosa Neftalí Basoalto Opazo who was a school teacher and who died when Pablo was only one month old.

He took his studies at the Liceo men of Temuco and in 1920 began working with the lite magazine would deal with called Selva Austral using the pseudonym of Pablo Neruda . In 1921 he moved to Santiago to pursue a degree in pedagogy in the French language and enrolled in the Pedagogical Institute of the University of Chile where he managed to obtain his first prize with his poem the party song.

He received the National Prize for Literature in 1945 and was then elected as a senator of the Republic , later in office but before he went violently against González Videla, which is why an arrest warrant was issued against him. In 1969 he was elected as a pre-candidate for President of the Republic by the Communist Party but decided to resign in favor of Salvador Allende .


He died on September 23, 1973 in a clinic located in Santiago a few days after having suffered the coup that overthrew Salvador Allende. Many theories arose around his death and it is not yet known if this was natural or caused

Pablo Neruda’s personal life

In 1930 he married María Antonieta Hagenaar, who was known as Maruca . With her he had a daughter whom they called Malva Marina, however the girl was born with hydrocephalus and died at 8 years of age. Later he separated from his wife and returned to Chile in 1943 where he met Delia de Carril whom he married, a marriage that was declared illegal by the Chilean justice.


The literary style of Pablo Neruda was unmistakable, it focuses on all the senses to write in order to describe a scene or a feeling so naturally and to convey the feeling to the reader. It was very precise to find the correct words that will excite readers, it was touched on the use of metaphors and similes to be able to give more emotion to people, nature and feelings.

He also had a great influence from surrealism , he used strange and difficult expressions and at the same time he used to use personification within his poetry to be able to give emotion and life to all things. In some of his poems pessimism and nostalgia for life could also be observed . He used love as a source of inspiration. His were full of versatility and a lot of poetic sound , which allowed him to place himself in one of the highest positions with respect to Hispanic literature.

Physical characteristics

Was a man of medium build, had black hair and straight , her eyebrows were thick and had a rather prominent nose. He was also a little overweight mainly during his adult life.


His personality is already said to be overwhelming , he had strong communist beliefs , he was a stubborn man and he defended his beliefs at all times and firmly . He was also a very charismatic man totally different from what was seen on cameras.


For his great literary work, several prizes were awarded to Pablo Neruda, one of them the Chilean National Literature Prize in 1945. Then, he was awarded the International Peace Prize in 1950 and shortly afterwards he was awarded the prize of Peace Stalin and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. He was also nominated thanks to his incredible literary repertoire for the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, going for the Goodreads Choice Awards within the category of poetry.

Works by Pablo Neruda

Among his main and most recognized works are the following:

  • Canto General Neruda : it included a total of 15 fractions of which more than 230 poems and more than 14000 rhyme are recorded. Among the most important work poems are titles such as Height of Machu Picchu, The Conquerors, The Betrayed Sand and The Liberators.
  • 100 love sonnets by Pablo Neruda : a compilation of sonnets dedicated to his formal partner and grouped into 4 stages that had various divisions. A work that reflects passion, sadness and spring. In his verses you can see the sound and color as well as the tone in a simple way.
  • Twilight : here is one of his most important poems called Farwell in which he is based on the search for his inner voice with tones of melancholy, which were characteristic of his youth.
  • The book of questions : it narrates the poetic memory in which it combines the vision of childhood with the wisdom of an adult man.
  • 20 love poems and a desperate song : without a doubt this has been one of his most acclaimed texts, an hour that represents his first stage in poetic literature and that at the same time exerted a great influence on the modernist movement. In her the lyrical expression directed to the woman predominates and treats poems of love and desire.

He also dedicated himself to writing several biographies, including:

  • Twilight published
  • the habitant and his hope
  • The Zealous Slinger
  • Residence on earth
  • Residence on earth
  • Spain in the heart
  • The Furies and Sorrows


Some of his most recognized phrases are mentioned below:

  • There is a certain pleasure in madness, which only the madman knows.
  • You are free to make the options you want, but you are a prisoner of their consequences.
  • For nothing separate us that nothing unites us.
  • If nothing saves us from death, unless love saves us from life.
  • The truth is that there is no truth.
  • I want to do with you what spring does with cherry trees.
  • Love is so short and oblivion is so long.
  • If they ask me what my poetry is, I should tell them I don’t know; but if you ask my poetry, she will tell you who I am.


Pablo Neruda was an important author who left a great mark within Hispanic American literature and his valuable and wonderful poetry has managed to leave an important legacy . His legacy is directly marked by all the historical events of which he was a part and this feeling was expressed in many of his works.

Presence in popular culture

In popular culture it is possible to find a film that was produced in several countries and whose director was Pablo Larraín. This film was released on August 11, 2016 in Chile and its content was based on all the things that Pablo Neruda experienced due to his political beliefs, mainly when he was part of the Senate representing the Chilean Communist Party.

Curiosities about Pablo Neruda

Some curiosities of Pablo Neruda were the following:

  • His books have been translated into more than 35 languages .
  • He was a member of the Chilean Communist Party and was also a senator of the Republic for Tarapacá and Antofagasta .
  • He was considered a hopeless romantic and that is why he had several marriages.
  • Three poems were falsely attributed to the author.

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