


The overcrowding is a condition that the amount of human population is presented in which existing exceeds the capacity load of a given location. It is the state of the human population that rises to a degree that produces an overload in the capacity of the ecological environment . In an overcrowded environment, the number of people exceeds the availability of the place to provide water, shelter, food or social services. This is one of the main causes of environmental deterioration , worsening of the quality of life or even the disintegration of the population.

What is overpopulation?

The overcrowding is the state in which the human population increases so that it exceeds the capacity of a place to provide social services such as water, food, shelter and medicine causing environmental deterioration and the quality of life .

  • Causes of overcrowding
  • Consequences and Problems caused
  • Environmental impact of overpopulation
  • Prevention
  • Solutions
  • Overpopulation in Mexico
  • Overpopulation in Japan
  • In China
  • In India

Causes of overcrowding

There are a series of factors that have allowed overpopulation, among them we can mention the following:


Fall in the death rate : Thanks to medical and scientific advances , a number of previously deadly diseases were beaten. The invention of vaccines and antibiotics has saved thousands of lives and consequently the population grows, lowering the death rate of a place.

Progress in adequate food production : which improves and contributes to the population enjoying better health while increasing it at the same time.

The process of migration and urban concentration : it occurs in some specific countries and accumulates a large number of people that causes disproportionate population growth . Whether due to work, health or simply to change the environment, migration is one of the most important processes that cause overpopulation in cities.

Consequences and Problems caused

Human overpopulation is one of the most important environmental problems in today’s society , silently exacerbating global warming , pollution , loss of habitats, agricultural practices, and inadequate consumption of natural resources , such as fresh water , arable land, and fuels. fossils . Some of them we mention below:

  • Depletion of natural resources : this is the main effect of overpopulation since natural resources are not used correctly.
  • Natural resources are consumed at a faster rate than the planet is capable of generating them.
  • The conflicts generated by the use of resources produce political tensions and wars .
  • The environment is degraded .
  • The deforestation that occurs in order to construct buildings is ending the Flora and Fauna .
  • It produces more greenhouse gases which greatly increase global warming .
  • As there are many people looking for work, the demand for job offers is limited, which causes unemployment and in turn, a high rate of crime and delinquency is generated .
  • The cost of living increases.

Environmental impact of overpopulation

The impact of overpopulation on the environment has been enormous. A large number of animal and plant species have become extinct over time, as large urbanizations and companies have been displacing them to create new structures. With these large companies, a high rate of environmental pollution has come from the use of cars and factories that produce toxic waste. In overpopulation there are more means of transport that generate atmospheric pollutants that damage the ozone layer and contribute to global warming .


Among the preventive plans to avoid overcrowding, plans for migration are essential. It is important that people do not look for places that are already overcrowded and that they try to broaden their horizons to less populated places. Better education , teaching couples proper family planning, and birth control can help prevent overcrowding.


The main solutions that have been given to avoid overpopulation are the following:

  • Government incentives for villagers.
  • Sex education and planning
  • Migration plans .

Overpopulation in Mexico

Poor urban planning and overpopulation have caused great effects on the country’s biological diversity , in fact, some of these species have already become totally extinct. Poorly organized urban development affects the country’s environment so much, producing more pollution . The large number of people and the little work, makes people resort to obtaining easy money through crime , increasing the insecurity of the country.

Overpopulation in Japan

In Japan there is the most serious population problem in the world because it is not providing the necessary resource to produce: human life . The Japanese population has started to decline since 2005. The low interest of the Japanese in sex, marriage or parenthood has forced the government to try to create, without success, programs to encourage women to have children , resources necessary for the country to continue its great growth.

In China

China is the most populous country in the world with more than 1.3 billion inhabitants. Starting in the 1970s, demographic policies were applied to control the excessive growth of the population and family planning became part of the fundamental policy of the State.

In India

Most of the poor states of India suffer from very slow economic growth and disproportionate population growth. The environmental repercussions are also a serious threat to the country. The country is capable of having a better economy and improving the environment, but everything has been going against it.

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