
Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla


Also known by the name of El cura Hidalgo , Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was a patriot of Mexican origin who fought for the independence of his country . He worked from his parish in the town of Dolores with the sole objective of improving the living conditions of his faithful, and he looked for a way to avoid and act against those who were looking for a way to overthrow the Spanish viceroy . Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was a Mexican Catholic priest. On September 16, 1810, it was Father Hidalgo who was in charge of ringing the church bell to announce the revolution against the Spanish. A large group of Indians and mestizos walked together with Hidalgo and managed to conquer many important cities, but were stopped when they reached the capital . Hidalgo managed to flee north, but he was always captured and shot in 1811. The anniversary of his call is celebrated as Mexico’s Independence Day.


Personal information

  • When was born:  05/08/1753
  • Where he was born:  Pénjamo, Guanajuato, New Spain
  • When he died:  07/30/1811
  • Where he died:  Chihuahua, Mexico, New Spain

Who was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla?

The priest Hidalgo , as he was also known, was a Mexican priest who fought to the death for the independence of his country. He marched along with Indians and mestizos conquering towns until he could be arrested in the north of the country and then shot in 1811.

  • Biography of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
  • Death
  • What did Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla do
  • Achievements
  • Personality
  • Thought of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
  • How he dressed
  • Banner
  • Descent of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
  • Phrases

Biography of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was born on May 8, 1753, in Corralejo, a city near Guanajuato, Mexico , and died on July 30, 1811, in Chihuahua. He was a Catholic priest and revolutionary leader known as the father of Mexican independence . Hidalgo was the second child born to Cristóbal Hidalgo and his wife. He studied at a Jesuit high school, where he obtained a degree in theology and philosophy in 1773 at the Colegio San Nicolás and was ordained a priest in 1778. His interest in the economic progress of his parishioners, through  agriculture and his political convictionson the oppression of the people by the Spanish authorities they made Spain put its eye on him. In 1809 he joined a society that worked in secret whose objective was to govern New Spain on behalf of King Ferdinand VII who was imprisoned by Napoleon , to achieve the independence of his country. On September 16, 1810, he carried in his hands a banner with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe , who was the patron saint of Mexico and thus launched the cry of Dolores that started the battle, managing to form a great army and taking Guanajuato and Guadalajara. On January 11, 1811, he was defeated and escaped to Aguascalienteswhere he was captured and sentenced to death .


Despite his hard work and several triumphs with his group of followers, in 1811 he was captured after he had fled to Aguascalientes and Zacatecas . The groups lasted four months to capture him and he was taken to Chihuahua , where he faced a court martial and was sentenced to death . He was demoted as a priest to be shot on July 30, 1811. After his death, his head was hung and it was displayed in the Granaditas de Guanajuato alhóndiga, as a form of threat to the other residents.

What did Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla do

The priest Hidalgo was the one who initiated the first stage of the War of Independence in Mexico , through the Grito de Dolores with which he began the fight for independence.


The priest’s achievements were many, among them he managed to conquer many cities in which he stated in a manifesto that the objective of all the struggles was to achieve the country’s independence.  The priest also decreed the distribution of the lands to the Indians and the abolition of slavery and the tributes that fell heavily on Indians and mestizos.


He was very fond of preaching and passing his knowledge on to the parishioners. He did not like hypocrisy and questioned all scholastic methods . He had a great passion for music , devotion to the Lord of the Afflicted , he was with rebellion and natural theology . He was looking for a way to eliminate slavery. He was loved and respected for his affection towards New Spain , so much so that the bourgeoisie helped him. A lover of the game, chocolate and liquor, he was cultured but a little difficult to approach.

Thought of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

His thinking about politics was based on the search for a just homeland for all, that was free and in which all citizens could enjoy rights , such as a fair job and a home. He wanted to achieve a prosperous country by eliminating inequality, developing industry and agriculture, and forming a cultured nation through education .

How he dressed

It is difficult to know exactly how dressed, but according to some paintings, some historians say dressed as Napoleon and others mention carrying a trench coat jacket black type, long sleeves, boots tall black a belt that tied the coat and under of these clothes, the typical clothes of a priest,


It is known as the Banner of Hidalgo and is currently a museum piece. It consists of a piece of cloth measuring 183 cm by 113 cm high, which was painted in oil and has the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe , next to it there are two shields , some signs and flowers painted in oil as well. It has two additional triangular shaped ones at the bottom.

Descent of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

The sixth generation of the father of the country Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla lives in Chihuahua with the surname of Hidalgo y Costilla. Víctor Vázquez Mendoza is the last direct descendant of the father of the country, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. Although he was a priest, it is believed that he had several children. It is believed that, over time, the surname Hidalgo y Costilla will be lost, since the father of this young woman, José Luis Hidalgo y Costilla Lecona, has only one male child.


We will mention some of his most famous phrases below.

  • Live the independence! Long live America ! Death to bad government!
  • The pardon is for criminals, not for defenders of the fatherland.
  • Being against the cries of nature to sell men, the laws of slavery are abolished.
  • The pardon is for criminals, not for defenders of the fatherland.
  • Being against the cries of nature to sell men, the laws of slavery are abolished.

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