
Linguistic Intelligence


The linguistic intelligence comprises of the 8 intelligences that were proposed by Howard Gardner in his theory of multiple intelligences , this explains the ability of oral expression which with practice can be developed and improved.


What is Linguistic Intelligence?

Biology has always considered the human species as part of the animal kingdom. However, it also recognizes that we have numerous differences with the rest of mammals, the main one being the ability to communicate through symbols and meanings that are articulated to give way to the formulation of ideas: human language. As we grow, our collection of symbols grows and we have increasingly complex channels for acquiring and communicating knowledge. We soon realize that reading, writing and speaking are the favorite mechanisms for being in society. The continuous and conscious improvement of all these elements is known as linguistic intelligence.



Linguistic intelligence, also known as verbal intelligence, is the ability to master any activity that involves the use of the word, both in its written and oral expression, and in its different domains (syntactic, morphological and semantic).


It implies receptivity to concepts and their meanings, the way they are organized, their rhythms, pauses, tones and inflections, as well as the understanding of the proper functions of language and its fields of study.

Characteristics of linguistic intelligence

As outstanding characteristics of linguistic intelligence we have the following:

  • Ability to persuade the public
  • Ability to capture and transmit information effectively
  • Fluency in learning new languages
  • Notorious enjoyment of reading and writing
  • Management of wide and varied vocabulary
  • Interest in knowing more about the words: etymology, meaning, etc.
  • Easy to play word games

What is it for

Training this type of intelligence is useful to increase our receptivity to everything related to the different aspects of spoken and written language, and for this there are several activities, among which are listed:

  • Ability to accurately describe images and situations
  • Increased introspection
  • Competence in analyzing texts and summarizing them
  • Ability to create posts and speeches in general
  • Ability to distinguish between similarities and differences
  • Use of writing as a psychotherapeutic element


Within this type of intelligence, two subtypes can be distinguished:

  • Written: implies the production of written work (stories, essays, poems, novels)
  • Oral or verbal: it is related to the ability to communicate through spoken discourse

Activities to develop linguistic intelligence

There are several activities that contribute to the improvement of our linguistic intelligence, among them:

  • Read
  • Start a journal that contains your own experiences
  • Establish conversations about topics of interest
  • Try to capture your own thoughts and feelings in a creative way
  • Enroll in a language and / or public speaking course
  • Practice with board games (memory, crosswords, word search)
  • Memorize favorite songs, poems and phrases

Professions associated with linguistic intelligence

The most common jobs for people with linguistic intelligence are:

  • Political
  • Actor
  • Social communicator
  • Librarian / Archivologist
  • Editor
  • Lawyer
  • Journalist
  • Oratory
  • Poet
  • Writer
  • Announcer
  • Teacher
  • Translator


Linguistic intelligence is, along with logical-mathematical intelligence, the type of intelligence most valued in the formal educational system. Its importance lies in the fact that one of the basic needs of human beings is that of language, since it is the way, par excellence, of relating to the world and ourselves.

Developing our verbal intelligence allows us to improve basic and higher mental processes, such as attention, concentration and memory, as well as the capacity for analysis and synthesis. With respect to the written modality, it allows us to improve fine motor skills and related processes such as laterality and coordination.


There are numerous examples that illustrate linguistic intelligence, namely:

  • Know how to explain a phenomenon with simple words
  • Tell a story through expressive reading
  • Mastering the use of the dictionary
  • Memorize historical data with ease
  • Spelling Bee Participation
  • Attendance at reading clubs
  • Blog

People with linguistic intelligence

Isaac asimov

He was a writer born in Russia and naturalized American, admired worldwide for being one of the greatest creators of science fiction literature . He dedicated his life to producing more than 500 writings, including short stories, essays and books, his greatest work being the book series he entitled “Foundation”, a compendium of at least 16 books whose central theme is the story of a future in that robots play an active role in the way society organizes itself.

Winston churchill

He was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the most critical period of World War II, managing to stop the advance of German troops towards other territories in Europe . He began his career at a very young age, reaping numerous achievements and managing to occupy more than 5 positions throughout his political life. In addition to this, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature due to the skill with which he wrote different historical texts about the warlike conflicts in which he participated.

Gabriela Mistral

Of Chilean origin, her real name was Lucila Godoy, and she was a renowned poet and diplomat. Her greatest merits are her contributions to Mexican public education policies and her poetic work, which earned her the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1945.

Noam chomsky

Leading American writer, linguist, and political activist. He is known for his novel contributions to linguistics and his critiques of BF Skinner’s behavioral postulates, as well as his intense activism against capitalism . His genius has made him the winner of numerous distinctions in the scientific field and recognitions in the political area.

Adolf hitler

He was a German politician during World War II , leading his country with the intention of expanding its territories. Despite his reputation, he was deeply admired and feared by many of his fellow citizens, whom he managed to fascinate with his ideas thanks to his enormous capacity for persuasion. In addition to this, he wrote a book called Mein Kampf , in which he included his memoirs and his political ideas.

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