
Knowledge management


In companies and companies it is common to observe today a series of innovative processes that have become a trend and whose main objective is to improve all the processes that take place in them. One of these processes is known as knowledge management , a completely innovative method associated with innovation policies related to strategic marketing .


What is knowledge management?

Knowledge management consists of a method that includes strategic marketing , policies related to human resources quality and the reengineering of processes. A management of human resources that includes participation , commitment and responsibility on the part of the workers.

  • Knowledge management characteristics
  • History
  • What is it for
  • Knowledge management systems
  • Techniques
  • Tools
  • Models
  • Methodology
  • Advantages of knowledge management
  • Disadvantages
  • Importance of knowledge management for organizations
  • Importance for public administration

Knowledge management characteristics

Among the main characteristics that can be observed in knowledge management, the following can be mentioned:

  • It is a very important instrument for proper business management .
  • Identify , find , classify and use efficient knowledge systems in companies to improve competitive advantages .
  • It is based on the use of knowledge , on increasing it and promoting it to increase business knowledge.
  • It makes it possible for companies to save time by not needing to perform tasks repetitively.
  • Translate action into results .
  • Manages to improve the learning type organizational .


The history of knowledge management finds its foundations in the last years of the 20th century when organizations began to show a greater interest in intangible assets related to knowledge. This interest was linked to different events that occurred in organizations and the development of new technologies of information and communications .

What is it for

Knowledge management is a process that helps organizations to transmit information and skills to employees in a simpler, more systematic and efficient way . It is very useful to improve the structure of the company, to make it more innovative and efficient at the same time. This tool is also the best means by which information can be transmitted from one employee to another in a faster way, thus generating greater knowledge that improves both processes and products. making the organization achieve new and better opportunities.

Knowledge management systems

Knowledge management systems are tools that allow the company to stay more organized and at the same time updated . They help customers so that they can find their answers to what they need, they offer a series of answers to frequently asked questions that are given in an organization and they manage to keep the information up to date .

These systems generally work through knowledge management software and include equipment that can even function internationally in order to favor the knowledge base of a company in addition to improving the contents.


Among the most used techniques within knowledge management are the following:

  • Coaching : a technique that helps company leaders to increase their skills and to work properly on the knowledge they have acquired.
  • Mentoring : it is a technique that helps learning and that facilitates the discovery process. It is done between two people from the same organization and it is an activity that also involves training and training.
  • Self-directed career: implies the responsibility of employees when they change companies assuming the responsibilities that correspond to them.
  • Duplication : a technique that is based on the establishment of organizations that are responsible for duplicating processes, projects and operational activities.
  • Staff turnover : this is a very simple way to promote knowledge and increase the value that employees have so that they can thus develop new skills.


The tools that are used for knowledge management are a series of means that are used to collect and then share all the intellectual knowledge that the employees of an organization have in order to increase productivity and innovation . These are technological tools in which the knowledge of the workers can be stored, which will be used in the organization. Some of these tools are as follows:

  • Bitirix24
  • AnswerHub
  • Confluence
  • TimeLine
  • SoundCite


Some examples of models used for knowledge management are mentioned below.

  • KPMG Consulting Knowledge Management Model : this model answers the question related to the different factors that condition learning within an organization and is mainly characterized by its elements which are presented as a complex system influenced by learning mechanisms.
  • Andersen Model : integrates the responsibility that staff have to share knowledge within the organization and shows the responsibility that exists in creating a type of structure that supports processes and technology.
  • Knowledge Management Assessment Tool (KMAT) or Knowledge Administrative Assessment Tool : this is a type of assessment and diagnostic instrument.


The type of methodology used to establish adequate knowledge management must be flexible and this makes it possible to produce the necessary knowledge so that responses can be formulated to the needs presented by users.

Advantages of knowledge management

There are many advantages that can be obtained through the application of knowledge management, among them we can find:

  • It produces a series of important improvements related to the quality of the products and services offered by a given company.
  • One is given better service to users.
  • The relationships with suppliers are more stable .
  • It is improving the communication of such interpersonal .
  • The increased information more effective and is making positively stimulate the participation of employees.
  • Management and production processes are considerably reduced .
  • It makes it possible for resources to be used more efficiently.
  • Provides a series of tools for better management in the management of resources and personnel.
  • It makes processes related to production and management simpler and easier to do.


As well as advantages, personnel management also has several disadvantages, including the following:

  • It may be that cultural changes do not allow knowledge management to develop positively in some countries.
  • Sometimes not all the necessary information can be collected .
  • The organization must give the necessary time to be able to give time and space for the workers to update their knowledge.

Importance of knowledge management for organizations

Knowledge management has managed to generate a change of great importance in the companies where it is implemented since knowledge manages to give more value to companies so that they can disseminate information in a systematic and efficient way to achieve in this way improve the performance of the same organization improving its structure and its strategic objectives .

Importance for public administration

It is of importance for the public administration because it is an ideal mechanism that manages to promote that individuals have better and greater knowledge , which causes them to be more efficient in all their functions. In addition, it is important from the collective point of view because through it, individual knowledge can be made easier and information can be transferred more easily, improving the entire organization of the company.

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