
Karl Benz


In the creation of the car there were many important men who contributed their knowledge and inventions so that later, Karl Benz managed to invent a functional car that works without any type of animal traction and that was the dream of many. Although it is difficult to establish a precise date in history in which the automobile as we know it today was created, we know that Benz and its project of Motorwagen had a fundamental influence .


Personal information

  • When was he born: 11/25/1844
  • Where he was born: Mühlburg, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • When he died: 04/04/1929
  • Where he died: Ladenburg, Germany

Who was Karl Benz?

Karl Benz was a renowned and important engineer of German nationality who designed the first automobile that was powered by means of an internal combustion engine . He was the main automotive pioneer who even managed to create and run his own company .

  • What did
  • Karl Benz Biography
  • Death
  • Benz Patent-Motorwagen
  • Karl Benz inventions
  • Studies
  • Importance
  • Phrases
  • Acknowledgments
  • Presence in popular culture
  • Curiosities about Karl Benz

What did

Karl Benz was responsible for creating and developing the first car of the world to use gasoline , the Motorwagen , which had a monkey cylindrical engine of four – stroke and could run at 400 rpm with 0.55 kW / 0.75 HP output. A car at the time, managed to reach 16 kilometers per hour thus becoming a vehicle of three – wheeled autonomous which was also driven by an engine that ran through internal combustion .

Karl Benz Biography

Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant was born on November 25 of the year 1844 in Mühlburg , Baden-Württemberg, Germany . His father, Johann George Benz , who worked as a locomotive driver died when he was two years old, so his mother, Josephine Vaillant, took care of his upbringing. After the death of his father, he decided to change his name to Karl Friedrich Benz in his honor.

He founded a company dedicated to selling construction materials in 1871 and a year later he met Bertha Ringer with whom he married in 1872. With her he had five children: Richard, Clara, Ellen, Thilde and Eugen Benz . After his marriage, he founded a small company with his wife and a partner, August Ritter , however the partnership did not last long as the financial funds they had ran out. That’s when his wife asked her father for a loan so she could help Benz finance his business.

From that moment, the company took the name of Fundación de Acero y Taller de Mecánica Industrial and later, they published their first stationary type engine which was called ” two-cycle embryonic “, which managed to go on sale the year 1879. A short time later he began to develop a two-stroke engine and at that time, Emil Buhler , a famous photographer, decided to become his partner; Benz was in manufacturing and Buhler in marketing.

He kept thinking about designing a vehicle that was propelled by means of an engine and with the help of Bertha, he was able to add two important men in his business, Max Kaspar Rose and Friedrich Wilhelm Esslinger who managed to create the firm known as “ Benz & Cie ”. October 1, 1883 whose first production was that of a stationary engine that ran on coal fuel .


Karl Benz died on April 4, 1929 in the city of Ladenburg, Germany .

Benz Patent-Motorwagen

The Patent-Motorwagen was actually a type of small-sized tricycle that had an engine at its rear which had only one cylinder . It worked by means of the Otto principle and was based on four beats . It was actually a very rudimentary car which had 954 cc of displacement and had a power of 0.75 hp . It was built for the first time in 1885 and with the passage of time it received several changes , mainly in the engine.

The third prototype of the car was manufactured in 1887 and had the ability to develop 2 HP of power which made it possible for the car to reach a speed of 16 kilometers per hour. This prototype was driven first by his wife Bertha who traveled from Manheim to Pforzheim and the route was considered the first trip in automobile of the story .

Karl Benz inventions

Karl Benz was the man who invented the Motorwagen N1 in 1885, the first car that had an internal combustion engine of four – stroke , cylinder rotation, a fuel tank and carburettor 1.5 – liter also could reach a speed of 16 kilometers per hour. This first design was based on the tricycle and it was basically a three-wheeled car that could carry only two passengers. He also invented several of the components that would be part of his car such as the electric ignition , the spark plugs and the clutch .

He built in 1893 the first vehicle on four wheels and in 1899 was able to build its initial model of a first series of racing cars . Between 1894 and 1901 1,200 units were built which was known as “Velo” , and in history it is considered that this was the first car in the world manufactured in series.


Karl Benz studied at the polytechnic school of his city where he devoted himself to study. He enrolled at the Karlsruhe Polytechnic when he was 15 years old. In 1864 he graduated in mechanical engineering .


Karl Benz was a man of great importance in the history of cars and is in fact considered the father of motorsport . It was thanks to him that in 1888 , invented the first car that had an engine of internal combustion . He was the man who managed to found the foundations of modern engines which have only slightly changed their operating scheme.


Some important phrases that were mentioned by Karl Benz were the following:

  • The passion for inventing has no end .
  • We use the coast as much as sea otters. And we take fish from the water, we swim in the water, we surf in the water. And what happens to the sea otter could very well be happening to a much larger picture than the animals themselves.


Among its main recognitions are the following:

  • Doctor honoris causa degree awarded by the Karlsrude Higher Technical School in 1914.

Presence in popular culture

In 2011 , a telefilm was made that narrated the life of Karl and Bertha Benz called Carl & Bertha. It aired on May 11 and was broadcast by Das Erste on May 23. A trailer for the film as well as a ” making of ” special was posted on the popular YouTube channel .

Curiosities about Karl Benz

Some curiosities of Karl Benz were the following:

  • Karl Benz’s first car was called the Benz Patent Motorwagen . This trike had no gears.
  • In 1894 he built the first car of production of the world , to whom he appointed as Velo, a car that also participated in the first race car world in France .
  • A year later he designed the world’s first truck and in 1895 introduced a revolutionary flat design.
  • The first Benz cars were assembled by hand and were expensive until Henry Ford’s assembly line innovation was introduced .

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