
Hot air balloon


Man always dreamed of flying through the air and even thought that he could leave the earth in the same way that the bird did. For a long time in which it stuck feathers on its body and flapped its “wings” forcefully, it could not fly. He needed to find a real invention and that much desired invention was the  hot air balloon or  hot air balloon .


Information of interest

  • Inventor: Joseph-Michel Montgolfier and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier
  • Year:  1782

What is a hot air balloon?

The hot air balloon is a type of aircraft that allows people to move within the airspace , mainly for recreational purposes . It is a balloon that works through the movement of different gases , whether they are hot or not.

  • What is the hot air balloon for
  • Hot air balloon features
  • Story
  • Parties
  • How a hot air balloon works

What is the hot air balloon for

The hot air balloon is a means of individual transport and for private use . Its function is to fly and walk in the sky. It is a means of air transport , because it moves through the air. It is considered a type of ship that allows movement , although this is merely recreational and temporary , since they do not fulfill the function of regular transport. It is sometimes used in competitions and exhibitions.

Hot air balloon features

The main characteristics of the balloons are:

  • Hot air balloons do not fly, but float in the air within the wind .
  • The fan they have inside is the one that is responsible for introducing cold air.
  • The pilot must look for adequate air currents to be able to float.
  • Its main parts are the casing, the basket and the burners.
  • The people who travel in it do so in the basket.


Joseph Montgolfier was a French man, who was born in 1740 and had a true passion for the advancement of machinery . Together with Etienne , his younger brother, they had dreamed of making the man fly . However, they couldn’t find a way to make this idea come true. But one day, when José managed to inflate his shirt by holding it by the neck over a fireplace, he had an idea. He understood that, as hot air was lighter than cold air, something heavy could be lifted off the ground. He immediately shared his discovery with Etienne and they began to imagine how they could use it to build a balloon and conduct their first experiments. To begin with, they chose a one-cubic meter balloon, sewn by hand and heated over a fire so that the balloon would take off and could reach 30 meters in height. This happened in November 1782 and can be considered as the birth of aerostatics . In December, they continued their experiments with a 3-cubic-meter balloon. In April 1783, they repeated the experiment with an 800 cubic meter balloon that was raised to 1,200 feet high and made a public flight so that no one would steal their idea.


The hot air balloon is composed of several parts that are:

  • Tear valve
  • Crown
  • Parachute, which is contained inside the balloon to regulate the exit of hot air.
  • Suspension ropes
  • Lightweight nylon wrap.
  • Opening rope.
  • Loading ring.
  • Propane gas burner .
  • Burner key.
  • Flight instruments.
  • Propane gas cylinder.

How a hot air balloon works

Hot air balloons float in the sky for the same reason that ships float in the sea. To catch some hot air, you would need the balloon itself, what balloons generally call the envelope. It is made from a strong, lightweight, and durable synthetic fabric, such as ripstop nylon. The enclosure is made in vertical sections that are joined at the seams to form a strong and airtight container in which air does not leak. There are holes in the wrap at both the top and bottom – the top of the balloon, known as the crown, has a small hole called a parachute vent that can be opened by pulling a wire, allowing hot air to escape and makes the balloon descend. The opening at the bottom is immediately above the burners and is reinforced with a skirt made of a flame retardant material such as Nomex® to prevent melting or burning.they can float because the air that is trapped inside the balloon is heated by means of a burner, which makes it less dense than the air outside . The hot air that fills the envelope comes from the gas jets fed by propane cylinders. Although some balloons have only one burner, it is more common for you to have two or more, both to provide more lift and to provide greater safety in the event of a burner failure. Extra fuel cylinders are usually carried on the outside of the basket.

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