
Alexander the Great | Who was he, biography, teacher …


Alexander III of Macedon, better known to the world as Alexander the Great, was king of Macedonia from 336 BC until the day he died. Man of great intellectual and military training by Aristotle.


Dedicated to imposing the authority that he possessed before the Macedonian peoples , who, when Philip died , had taken advantage of the situation and created a whole revolution.


The mark that Alexander the Great left throughout history is absolutely incredible, taking into account his feats and his great personality. His words, always correct, made him grow in such a way that he was even capable of moving entire armies to satisfy his ambition.


Conqueror of territories, he was in charge of spreading Greek culture and merging cultures, he implanted language, art, politics and religion, in other words, simpler, he changed the whole world in his time.

Personal information

  • When he was born:  In July of the year 356 a. C.
  • When he died:  In June of the year 323 a. C.
  • Dynasty:  Argéada

Who was Alexander the Great?

Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia from 336 BC Military and educated, he devoted himself fully to imposing his authority and his ideas on the Macedonian peoples . A doer of great feats and a great personality, he managed to conquer territories and impose his ideals of art, politics, religion and language.

  • Biography of Alexander the Great
  • Death of Alexander the Great
  • features
  • Master of Alexander the Great
  • Conquests
  • Generals of Alexander the Great
  • Contributions of Alexander the Great
  • Phrases

Biography of Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was the son of the well-known Philip II, who was King of Macedonia, and of a woman named Olympia . At the time of his birth, his father was away from Macedonia celebrating the surrender of the Greeks at Potidaea .

When he realized the birth of Alexander, he decided to send a letter to Aristotle telling him the event, and emphasizing that he hoped that the child could be his disciple at a certain time.

When he turned 13, Aristotle was his teacher and influenced his thinking about the sciences, gave him great intellectual and scientific growth and made him study branches such as logic, metaphysics , ethics and politics.

After the battle at Perinton, his father was wounded and at that moment Alexander was called to replace him. It was his first match and his performance was brilliant.

King Philip was assassinated in 336 in a conspiracy concocted by Pausanias , a captain of his guard and after his death, Alexander went on to take the reins of Macedonia for approximately 20 years.

Death of Alexander the Great

The death of Alexander the Great happened on June 13, 323 BC. according to some research done by historians. He was soon to turn 33 when he passed away.

The causes of his death have different theories, some of them say that he died from a poisoning caused by the children of Antiparos, who was Alexander’s cupbearer , other studies suggest that he died from a disease known as Nile fever or malaria, which he had contracted long ago.

It is known for sure that, during a holiday, Alejandro had drunk and eaten a lot, felt bad after a while and was bedridden when he became seriously ill.

The theory that has the most weight is that of poisoning because there were many men who wanted his death and the only reason against this theory is the one explained by the historian Lane Fox, who says that it is very strange that twelve days passed from the beginning. of the poisoning and death of Alexander, and also because during that time there were no poisons that lasted that long.

Another hypothesis is that he could have suffered acute pancreatitis , this because all the symptoms that he presented before his death are typical of this disease.


Some sources indicate that Alexander the Great was short, approximately 1.60 cm; his neck was slightly sloping towards the shoulder, with a rounded chin and bright eyes. Her hair was curly shaped and her voice was strong and clear.

He was a brave, tenacious, intelligent and generous man , but at the same time he could show an attitude full of anger and violence.

His education was directed by Leonidas initially and later by Aristotle.

He was physically beautiful. His nose was slightly inclined to the left side, his hair was light brown and he had an interesting peculiarity in his eyes , the left was brown and the right was gray , it was not known if this characteristic was from birth.

He had a great education in science, arts and philosophy.

Master of Alexander the Great

At the beginning of his life he was under the tutelage of Leonidas who educated him in art and science. When he reached his adolescence, Alexander’s education was in charge of Aristotle to whom, some time ago, Alexander’s father had sent him a letter wishing to have him as his son’s tutor.


One of his main conquests was that of the Persian Empire . After her, the world was never the same again. Armed with an army of forty thousand men, Alexander began his march against the Persians full of strategies and brave men. Upon reaching Asian lands, he faced larger troops and still achieved victory.

Later, he faced the Achaemenid king, Darius III , in northern Syria where he won a new battle, thus controlling Asia Minor .

He did not stay for long in Egypt , so he again reached the Phoenician shores where he then went to Mesopotamia . ConqueredAria, Drangiana and Aracosia , Sogdiana and India .

Generals of Alexander the Great

The generals of Alexander the Great were the ones who divided his inheritance, and were known as the diádocos . Some of them never obtained a royal title such as Perdiccas, Antipater, Craterus, and others. And there were some who were declared as kings, such as Antigonus, Ptolemy and Seleucus.

Contributions of Alexander the Great

  • He established the largest empire in the ancient world.
  • He made maps of territories that were not known to men to the Western world.
  • He established great progress in geography and history , Greek culture and language were introduced .
  • It established adequate cultural integration by allowing marriages between Greeks and Orientals.
  • Source of inspiration for Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte .
  • He founded cities that were well established, autonomous, but subject to the king’s edicts.


  • There is nothing impossible for the one who tries.
  • The destiny of all depends on the realization of each one.
  • I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
  • I would rather live a short and glorious life than a long one in darkness .
  • For me I have left the best: hope .
  • In the end, when it’s all over, the only thing that matters is what you’ve done.
  • When we give someone our time, we actually give a part of our life, which we will never get back.
  • The effort and risk are the price of glory, but it’s a beautiful thing to live with courage and die leaving an everlasting fame.
  • If I wait, I will lose my boldness and youth .

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